This section include all the change logs from Mstore, we are lookings forward to getting your feedback to improve the app everyday, thank you!

Version 3.9.8 (12/02/2020):

1. Update - latest mstore-api plugin (improve security and remove depend on JSON API)
2. Update - fix some logins issues
3. Update - minor bug fix and improvement
4. Update - latest React Native 0.61.x and Expo 36.x

Version 3.9.7 (01/01/2020):

1. New - add Apple Sign in
2. New - add Firebase SMS Login
3. New - add Currency Switching
4. Update - many bug fixes and improvements
5. Update - latest React Native 0.61.5 and Expo 36.x

Version 3.9.6 (17/10/2019):

1. New - add new Mstore API - (replace for existing mstore-checkout)
2. Update - update React Native 0.60 & Expo 0.35
3. Update - fix payment issues
4. Update - fix searching jumping issues
5. Update - coupon and review tab issues
6. Update - update latest library and api-commerce

Version 3.9.3 (01/08/2019):

1. New - support Android X
2. Update - latest React Native 0.60
3. Update - latest Expo 0.34
4. Update - minor bugs fix.
5. Update - resize the final apk

Version 3.9.0 (27/06/2019):

Dear customers, we are excited to announce new MStore 3.9.0 with following updates:
1. New - add new Promotion Banner Flash Sale with the coundown
2. New - add new Blog horizontal layout on homepage
3. New - add new update for Product Varaiant Dropdown selection
4. New - Add new Sorting on product list
5. Update - minor bug fix from Github 
6. Update - latest stable React Native 0.59.9 and Expo 0.33 

Note: please update the latest build.grade on this version to fix some build issue on Android and update the build.grade to 3.4.0 - thank you!

Version 3.8.0 (14/05/2019):

1. New - Support SMS Login by using Facebook Account Kit
2. New - Support for Affiliate business, now it’s easy to update convert the app as the affiliate with the magic config Affiliate: { enable: true }
3. New - Add new categories layout UI.
4. New - Support Order note.
5. New - Support the Pin & zoom Image from when viewing the product detail.
6. Update - Add new subcategories from the categories filters.
7. Update - Checking the available stock when ordering or adding the number of products.
8. Update - Fix crash issue on Android 9.
9. Update - Fix Login issue on Android Samsung Galaxy.
10. Update - Fix the refund & return issues.
11. Update - Fixed the “going” Order status when creating new Order
12. Minor bug fix (#400, #539, #496) and latest React Native, libraries updates.

Version 3.7.2 (24/03/2019):

1. Update - Fix build issue on mstore-pro (layout SyntaxError)
2. Update - Fix Tools issue on the Expo version

Version 3.7.1 (14/03/2019):

1. Update - latest React Native 0.59 and latest libraries
2. Update - left menu category navigation issues
3. Fix - RTL issues #344, 346, 365

Version 3.7.0 (29/01/2019):

1. New - add more 9 demo layouts, 
2. New - add an option to switch to Black mode
3. New - add a new filter at the category screen
4. New - support Return & Refund Order
5. Update - demo app on Android & Appstore
6. Update - improve billing address UX
7. Update - improve MyOrder detail screen
8. Fix - RTL issues (#270), #315, sign up & facebook login issues (Android), black theme issues
9. Update latest React native 0.58 & Expo v32.0

- Make sure you have update Android to latest SDK 28,
- Make sure using the fresh download to build on Android as there are the major change from the

Version 3.6.8 (29/01/2019):

1. Update - minior bug fix and improve performance

Version 3.6.7 (19/01/2019):

1. New - support variant image & fix some variant issues
2. New - support checkout with tax amount
3. New - add option for allow anonymous checkout - Config.Login.AnonymousCheckout=true
4. New - add option to require use Login before using the app - Config.Login.isRequire=true
5. Fix - shipping issue (country not allow for shipping)
6. Update - improve the address UX: <>
7. Fix - banner Ads issues -
8. Fix - the left navigation issues 
9. Update - uprade the react-native-webview -
10. Update - latest libraries and react native 0.57.8

Note: please update the latest mstore-checkout to latest: and follow this guide to fix the image issues -

Version 3.6.5 (14/12/2018):

1. NEW - InspireUI Builder supports one-click install the Mstore Expo, available download from https://
2. NEW - improve Android performance 
3. UPDATE - latest React Native libraries
4. FIXED - minor UI bugs fix and UX improvement

Version 3.6.4 (24/11/2018):

1. UPDATE - ANDROID performance optimize 
2. UPDATE - latest library 
3. UPDATE - for Android OS
4. FIXED - My order detail, show the detail Order is fixed

Version 3.6.3 (14/11/2018):

1. ADD - new config.js option to hide the Cart/Checkout page (use for showcase business)
2. UPDATE - performance issues on Android (pro version - important update)
3. UPDATE - remove some unuse libraries &#38; minior bug fix
4. UPDATE - Expo v31 &#38;&#38; React native to latest version
5. FIXED - Load more issues on News
6. FIXED - Facebook login issues
7. FIXED -
8. FIXED - hidden Order Detail on the Order screen

Version 3.6.2 (30/10/2018):

1. Fixed Recent UI issue on Searching screen
2. Improve performance on Android
3. Update UI on the categories page
4. Rename and index.ios.js file
5. Support iPhone XS Max
6. Update built script issue on Android
7. Minor bug fixed UI issues on Android

Version 3.6.1 (27/10/2018):

1. Update missing .babelrc file

Version 3.6.0 (26/10/2018):

1. NEW - Dark theme, bring 2x value pack UI, more tuning and powerful
2. NEW - Search screen: update new UI, add recent history, add Filter screen to support finding product effectively.
3. NEW - Add option to manage billing Address.
4. NEW - Add confirm checkout information: showing subtotal, discount, shipping, total...
5. NEW - Support more category layout (CategoryListView: false)
6. NEW - the Mobile mask for a phone number, show as the placeholder (checkout screen)
7. NEW - Checkout screen: Improve UI when selecting the country list
8. NEW - Detail screen: Add Related product
9. NEW - Profile screen: Privacy policy, Term &#38; Condition
10. NEW - Homepage screen: add new categories navigation
11. NEW - Checkout page: add trash icon to remove the product item easier
12. UPDATE - the keyboard adapt when typing 
13. UPDATE - the default country and currency, now we can update from the config.js file easier
14. UPDATE - Support to config just one default Country when checkout, update via config.js file
15. UPDATE - React Native 0.57, and other latest libraries...
16. UPDATE - Performance improvement
17. FIX - offline issues, navigation issues, lock portrait mode...

Version 3.5.1 (21/07/2018):

1. Update installing script for Android: yarn setup:android
2. Fix crashing issues (Android)
3. Fix missing header on setting screen (Android)

Version 3.5.0 (08/07/2018):

1. Add Review Rating feature for product detail
2. Fixed scale menu issues on Expo
3. Improve the UX process and fixing issues
4. Fixed Load more issues when viewing categories
5. Fix blank page issue when first time loading app (on Android)
6. Fixed ticket: 1616847, 1619667, 1583766 from ticket support
7. Update latest libraries for both Expo and pro version 
8. Update new document -

Version 3.4.9 (19/06/2018):

1. Fixed performance issues on Android
2. Fixed drawer issues (left side menu)
3. Fixed white label which caused by latest React native update 
4. Fixed custom page issues on Android
5. Fixed RTL issues when switching languages
6. Minors bug fix and performance improvement on both iOS and Android.

version 3.4.8 (11/05/2018):

1. Minor bug fix on Android: missing fontFamily ‘MaterialCommunityIcons’, animated Header
2. Update demo app on Google Play
3. Fix left menu side menu when show one category (without child category)
4. Fix blank sign in on Expo version
5. Fix white text on My Order screen

version 3.4.7 (22/04/2018):

1. Update Sign Up UI issues (on Android)
2. Upgrade RTL issues
3. Add Login/Logout button at detail profile
4. Fix Login menu not up-to-date
5. Minor bug fix and performance improvement

version 3.4.6 (18/04/2018):

1. Fixed empty login screen (on Android)
2. Fixed onesignal new library impact
3. Fixed login screen blank when typing (on Android)
4. Fixed Login blank & still showing on the menu and will take you to login screen even after user is logged in. 
5. Fixed Product Description text i blank on product page (on Android)
6. WishList page Arabic version (on Android)
7. Fixed Android header -
8. Fixed some issues RTL (on Android)
9. Some minor UI bugs fixed
10. Add profile detail page 

version 3.4.5 (06/04/2018):

1- Add image for variant 
2- Add on boarding
3- Fixed splash screen issue on Android
4- Fix login issue on Facebook
5- Fix payment issues
6- Fix coupon_line is not array 
7- Add menu category options to left side bar
8- Many bug fix and improve performance
9- Add new build script for easier to setup: yarn setup
10- Fix issues on iPhoneX
11- Update Expo and React Native to latest version
12- Support installing library via pod by using: react-native link

version 3.4.4 (29/12/2017):

1. Improve the product detail description 
2. Support fix price coupon percentage 
3. Fixed coupon issue
4. Fixed sign up issues, please also update the mstore checkout plugin v1.1.0
5. Fixed Wishlist navigation
6. Fixed product detail description
7. Fixed issue on Wishlist click on the item in order to view it, error navigation 
8. Fixed menu News issues 

version 3.4.3 (20/12/2017):

1. Fixed Image product detail and description layout
2. Fixed Order issues caused by missing Shipping line and email 
3. Auto load the billing address on next ordering
4. Fixed checkout issue from Wordpress site -
5. Fixed missing token when user sign up
6. Fixed Facebook login issue
7. Update latest React Native and Expo

version 3.4.2 (09/12/2017):

1. Update latest react native 0.51
2. Fix build issue on Android for the react-native-fbsdk (Could not find
3. Add video guide for 3.4 -
4. Add video guide for config new payment gateway Razorpay -
5. Update documentation.
6. Action required to update the plugins if you are using previous MStore version

version 3.4.0 (09/12/2017):

1. Support multi payment gateway
2. Add coupon feature
3. Add Shipping feature
4. Enhance Offline feature to support image cache (Pro version only)
5. Fix warning: React.PropTypes, React.createClass 
6. Update to latest Expo & React Native
7. Update config file for easy to modify
8. Upgrade config for status bar
9. Fixed https issues
10. Update react-navigation to latest version
11. Fixed image source issue from category page
12. Add parallax effect into Category page.
13. Update the left side bar  performance on Android
14. Add custom screen that could fetch any URL via webview, the menu item "Marketing Email" 
15. Hide the Tabbar when show product detail
16. Improve UX on tab navigation
17. Update Out of Stock checking
18. Improve security on Payment by remove key config from Strip & Paypal
19. Secure your Payment gateway without extra config
20. Add new video guide to setup the app completely.
21. Add animate processing with cool animated
22. Fixed Facebook login issues
23. Fixed issue after Logout
24. Upgrade config the checkout User-Agent (Pro version only) -

version 3.3.3 (09/10/2017):

1. Fixed big screen issue on Android -
2. Fixed "When clicking on the Product Link (title) on search results, the app crash" 
3. Fixed menu Settings Menu is not working.
4. Fixed RTL issues
5. Fixed Logout issue.

version 3.3.2 (05/10/2017):

1. Fixed billing address and phone issues when payment
2. Upgrade performance on left menu side bar
3. Fixed red screen issue when view post banner
4. Fixed better feature image issue when switching layout view

version 3.3.1 (22/09/2017):

1. Update latest Expo v.21.0
2. Fixed issues:
3. Fixed login issues
4. Fixed variant products issues when first selected.
5. Improve keyboard input on SignUp and Delivery screens

version 3.3.0 (22/09/2017):

1. Update latest Expo v.20.0, Xcode 9 compatible 
2. Upgrade product variant
3. Add more extra homepage horizontal layout
4. Add more product list view to support dynamic config and loading
5. Improve performance 
6. Fixed Wishlist icon tap
7. Fixed back button on product detail page
8. Fixed crash on searching page
9. Fixed issue home icon menu (it will be easy to tap the menu)
10. Fixed left menu gesture issue
11. Fixed duplicate product on list view
12. Fixed homepage refresh issue
13. Upgrade dependencies for Reacttotron, Redux...
14. Support Iphone X layout

P/S: The latest react native 0.48.4 is not updated as it is not stable and impact to react-native-fbsdk

version 3.2.0 (19/07/2017):

1. Update latest React Native 0.46.3
2. Improve performance to faster 3X
3. Fixed some critical bug
4. Reactotron integration ( 
5. Fix variant issues, add new video guide

version 3.1.0 (04/07/2017):

1. Update latest React Native 0.45
2. Update Expo SDK 0.18
3. Fixed some major bug and UI issues.
4. Improve performance 
5. Add extra Website pre-config -

version 3.0.0 (22/06/ 2017):

1. Refactor menu navigation, using react-navigation
2. Remove Auth0
3. Add more Expo version
4. Improve UI layout
5. Support OneSignal
6. Support Stripe, Paypal, COD
7. Support Color and Size product variations.
8. UI/UX improvement.
9. Upgrade news pages.
10. And more...(continues update)

version 3.0.0-beta:

1. Refactor menu navigation
2. Remove Auth0
3. Upgrade login screens
4. Improve performance

version 2.3.0 (03/02/2017):

1. Fix payment issues
2. Fix ssh issues
3. Improver performance
4. Fix library incompatable.

version 2.2b (03/02/2017):

Fix some issues from https
Please download and override to the services folder:

Fixed the checkout page crash problem: go to app/containers/checkout/DeliveryInfoForm.js Comment the code at line 55 “stylesheet: css” to see if this error goes away.

version 2.2 (13/12/2016):

1. Change category display from collapsible to modal.
2. Update dynamic fetching product display sizes for performance boost (check user guide for more info).
3. Fix a rare case when app can't fetch a customer by email.
4. Add PayPal payment option.
5. Fix a render issue that cause perfomance loss.
6. Fix Default product variation.
7. Small bug fix & code refactor.

version 2.1 (30/11/2016):

1. Add search function. 
2. Add Wishlist to side menu. 
3. Use product thumbnail image at Wishlist, Cart & Search for boosting performance. 
4. Fix Auth0 login with Facebook account. 
5. List of all countries is now available. 
6. Add Setting Scene in size menu - Add Langue switching option in setting - Add About us in setting 
7. Adjust fontSize in Home scene. 
8. Fix text break in Wishlist scene. 
9. Add the number item in Cart from Product scene. 
10. Change normal indicator to logo indicator.

version 2.0 (15/10/2016):

- Full integration with WooCommerce
- Apply Redux
- Social media logins via Facebook and Google.
- Push notifcation feature.
- Bug fixed and performance improvement.
- This version have not been updated for the payment yet, it will be updated on couple of days on v2.1

version 1.3 (10/10/2016):

- Fixed textInput issue layout on Android
- Fixed undefined from side bar menu on Android
- Fixed sticky header from the Wordpress on Android.
- Some small bug fixed on Android

version 1.2 (29/09/2016):

- Update latest React Native to 0.34.
- Add new 4 menu styles.
- Add new page for the index template. 
- Add new Wordpress API.
- Add integration demo with Wordpress to fetch the data from posts and show detail.
- Add preview HTML post detail.
- Improve performance & fix bug of sticky top bar.
- Fixed issue on TabBar.
- Add Constraints file for variable setting.

version 1.1 (28/07/2016)

- Add new WooCommerce API
- Adding page name Woo Product that connected to the WooCommerce backend site, now you can integrate your app by new API.
- Upgrade React Native to 30.0 & related library 
- Fix auto layout on the intro page
- Fixed the tap issues of Navigation bar on real device.
- Sticky menu on product & woo-product page
- Lazy loading on woo-product page
- Replace the Refresh control on product page that could be use on both iOs and Android.

version 1.0 (13/07/2016)

Release first version 1.0