v1.7.5 – 20 Jan 2019

  1. Update - update Expo 0.36
  2. Update - Fix missing categories
  3. Update - minor bug fixes and compatible with latest React Native

v1.7.4 – 04 Nov 2019

  1. Update - update Expo 0.35
  2. Update - Fix some minor bug and performance improvement

v1.7.3 – 25 Jul 2019

  1. Update - Fixing missing image from the homepage + category listing
  2. Update - Fix performance issues

v1.7.2 – 17 Jun 2019

  1. Update - latest Expo 0.33 to support Android 64bit
  2. Update - minor bug fix on the hompage layout issues

v1.7.1 – 18 May 2019

  1. Update - fix the build script issue (require cycle)
  2. Update - fix safe area issue on iphone X, XS Max
  3. Update - fix the rating issues
  4. Update - minor bug fix and performance improve

v1.7.0 – 20 Apr 2019

  1. New - compatible with new Jobify template, demo site - http://jobify.inspireui.com
  2. New - 10x values with new redesign UI homepage, please check detail document from https://docs.inspireui.com/listapp/theme/
  3. Add - new document link https://docs.inspireui.com/listapp and we will keep improving it
  4. Add - new video A-Z video guide - https://youtu.be/DhygvqSsAKs - (will continues update)
  5. Add - Whatsapp button at listing detail
  6. Improve - performance and loading modal
  7. Update - refactor for easier to connect more Listing template
  8. Update - fix minor bug and UI improvement
  9. Update - latest expo library and related libraries
  10. Planning - add new Pro version which is base on react-native-cli (please let us know your feedback)

v1.6.1 – 11 Jan 2019

  1. New - we open the official Facebook group for open discussion and keep the latest notify from the team - https://www.facebook.com/groups/InspireUI/
  2. Update - Crashing issue when searching from the Filter modal
  3. Update - Minor UI tweak at the filter screen.

v1.6.0 – 11 Jan 2019

  1. New - compatible with MyHome (MyListing template), the demo app - https://shrtm.nu/6T1U and web - http://myhome.inspireui.com
  2. New - Mapping redesign and support search by using Google API - screenshot: https://shrtm.nu/53Iz
  3. New - add more config option to show the Listing Detail more dynamically - https://shrtm.nu/7wtL
  4. New - compatible with MyListing 2.0
  5. Update - performance improvement on both iOS & Android, please make sure you install the ReGnerate Image plugin base on this document - https://shrtm.nu/lA1b
  6. Update - update the More menu item and add Plus button to allow Vendor to create new Listing - https://shrtm.nu/dVIa
  7. Update - empty state screen for my booking, my cart.
  8. Fixed - resolve some major bug fix on both iOS & Android
  9. Update - documentation https://inspireui.github.io/listapp/docs/quickstart
  10. Update - latest Expo 0.32 and library

v1.5.3 – 15 Nov 2018

  1. UPDATE - Latest Expo 31.0.5 and libraries
  2. Fixed - Facebook login issues
  3. UPDATE - Latest Expo 31 and libraries
  4. UPDATE - document guide for JWT config (https://inspireui.github.io/listapp/docs/setup)
  5. UPDATE - replace .babel file by using babel.config.js
  6. IMPORTANT: update latest Expo 31 which could cause VERY SLOW at development mode (as you will get the "require cycle: " warning, please remove the IF block from node_modules/metro/src/lib/polyfills/require.js (https://gyazo.com/df9e8c80e88d51fed30807b0a369e7e1) - Or, select the build with PRODUCTION MODE to resolve the issues)

v1.5.0 – 02 Nov 2018

  1. NEW - vendor user can now create new Listing (https://gyazo.com/d28f1821d499f95ace624e11b01cf80d)
  2. NEW - Support Payment for the booking (multi payment services is also support) - https://gyazo.com/98a82d03d9e0460222f7e5be5a8a76fd
  3. UPDATE - combine searching & map view for easy looking
  4. UPDATE - fixed crashing issue on Android
  5. UPDATE - minor bug fix from the reporting forum
  6. UPDATE - updated latest library and Expo

v1.4.2- 05 Oct 2018

  1. Support RTL & Language picker (Setting page)
  2. Fixed back issue on Searching page 3. Minor bug fix and improve the performance
  3. Minor bug fix on this releases: back from Searching issues, display Rating, totalRate...
  4. Fixed mapping issues, comment counting wrong from MyListing
  5. Improve Search by using the debounce function.
  6. Update new document: https://inspireui.github.io/listapp/docs/quickstart

v1.4.1- 28 Sep 2018

  1. Minor bug fix on this releases: back from Searching issues, display Rating, totalRate...
  2. Fixed mapping issues, comment counting wrong from MyListing
  3. Improve Search by using the debounce function.
  4. Update new document: https://inspireui.github.io/listapp/docs/quickstart

v1.4.0- 18 Sep

  1. Breaking change update for performance speed up 3x.
  2. Redesign the Listing Detail more sexy (image gallery is easier to navigate and can be zoom in/out, actions buttons is moved to the bottom, chat and booking can be config, performance is speed up...)
  3. Chat feature is now support, the end user could easy to chat with the Listing owner
  4. Improve performance on the map page
  5. Add animate onboading that support lottie files
  6. Add Pull to refresh on homepage
  7. Many bug fixed and minor tuning up.
  8. Fixed most of crashing issues, but if you can find out any crashing please report us
  9. No need to update the Wordpress plugins on this version.
  10. Update latest libraries (React Native, Expo 30.0), please update the expo-cli (https://blog.expo.io/expo-sdk-30-0-0-is-now-available-e64d8b1db2a7)
  11. New documents is coming soon...(we are migration new document hosting out from gitbook to S3 storage and add more detail guideline)

v1.3.2 – 10 Aug

  1. New multi language is support, include RTL language.
  2. Support Booking Feature for MyListing template
  3. Add new Language picker to support multi language config
  4. Fixed the search default categories image is empty
  5. Fixed empty categories image from the Search screen
  6. Fixed mapping issues
  7. Fixed ListApp manager plugins issues
  8. Update latest libraries (React Native, Expo...)

v1.3.0 – 29 May

  1. Filter features: Ability to search by filter with Tag, regions, event, keywords (on Map and Searching page). Update ListApp Manager to support new searching & filtering.
  2. Fix raw HTML content issues
  3. Ability to update color background on boarding by config file
  4. Upgrade react-navigation 2.0 with performance improvement
  5. Fixed some issues on Android that cause crashing
  6. Minors bug fix and UX improvements.
  7. Add Push notification via Firebase + Expo.
  8. IMPORTANT: nearest location will be update on this release as well (on map view)

v1.2.0 – 18 April

  1. New Wordpress Plugin support easier to config - https://github.com/inspireui/listapp-manager (please make sure to disable the previous plugin)
  2. New search items on Map
  3. New search default page
  4. Update the app API to get dynamic loading via ListApp Manager
  5. New profile page
  6. Crash report support - integrate with Sentry
  7. UX/performance improvement and bug fixed.
  8. Add build script: yarn setup (Mac OS only)
  9. Update document guide

v1.1.3 – 05 March

  1. Fixed crash issue when show photo galeries
  2. Add new Customize document

v1.1.2 – 04 March

  1. Fixed Bundle issues and build on iOS
  2. Add video installing guide: https://youtu.be/EQwss-d2I08
  3. Update plugins rest-api-listapp
  4. Update getting start document
  5. Fixed missing image slideshow
  6. Minor bugs fix and performance improve

v1.1.0 – 02 March

  1. Integrate with Listify, added demo website: http://listify.inspireui.com
  2. Integrate with MyListing, added demo website: http://mylisting.inspireui.com
  3. Fix Android build issue
  4. Fix Close button when view post detail
  5. Improve category page
  6. Minor bugs fix and performance improve

v1.0.0 – 28 – Feb

  • Release first version v.1