Web Application Structure

├── config                   # Project and build configurations
├── dist                     # Distribution folder
├── locales                  # Text files
├── logs                     # Log files
├── public                   # Static public assets and uploads
│   ├── admin                # Dashboard index.html
│   ├── admin-assets         # Dashboard assets
│   └── content              # Store root folder
├── scripts                  # Shell scripts for theme install/export
├── src                      # Application source code
│   ├── admin                # Dashboard application
│   │   └── client           # Client side code
│   ├── api                  # REST API
│   │   └── server           # Server side code
│   ├── store                # Store application
│   |   ├── client             # Client side code
│   |   ├── server             # Server side code
│   |   └── shared             # Universal code
│   └── index.js             # Server application start point
├── theme                    # Theme as a local package
└── process.json             # pm2 process file